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5 Generation Pedigree Expanded

Click to download the 5 generation text pedigree for Trip Monkey
Pedigree Of: Trip Monkey
PSG Id: jegut-g000000078
Sex: Male 
OOP Date: 12-23-2010 
Descriptors: Mosaic (50% Possible leucistic het) 
Breeder: Jennifer Gutjahr, Slave To My Gliders, IL
Owner: Jennifer Gutjahr, Slave To My Gliders, IL

                               +--Sammie-unk-n000000230: 07-01-2002 (Leucistic) 
                        +--Viceroy-tofro-n000000437: 07-04-2004 (Gray (Leucistic het)) 
                        |      |
                        |      +--Minnie-unk-n000000175: 06-00-2001 (Gray (Leucistic het)) 
                 +--Xavier-tpg-n000000436: 02-11-2006 (Mosaic) 
                 |      |
                 |      |      +--Shade-tpg-n000000210: Unknown (Red Series (Lion)) 
                 |      |      |
                 |      +--Sparkle-tpg-n000000438: Unknown (Mosaic) 
                 |             |
                 |             +--Snow White-unk-n000000211: 04-01-2000 (Mosaic (White)) 
          +--Casey Jones-ancrz-a000000200: 10-10-2008 (White face, Mosaic: Platinum colored (25% Possible leucistic het)) 
          |      |
          |      |             +--Arctic-tofro-n000000439: Unknown (Leucistic) 
          |      |             |
          |      |      +--Pepsi-elilu-a000000143: 11-01-2005 (Gray (Leucistic het)) 
          |      |      |      |
          |      |      |      +--Trillian-unk-n000000440: Unknown (White face) 
          |      |      |
          |      +--Mylie (stefi)-ancrz-a000000142: 11-01-2005 (White face (50% Possible leucistic het)) 
          |             |
          |             |      +--Sunshine-unk-n000000283: Unknown (White face) 
          |             |      |
          |             +--Violet-miksa-g000000056: Unknown (White face ~Notes: Reportedly owned by Roxanne Wilson~) 
          |                    |
          |                    +--Moonbeam-unk-n000000284: Unknown (White face) 
   +--Lafayette-clc-a000000198: 06-21-2009 (White Face, Mosaic) 
   |      |
   |      |                    +--Doodles-tofro-n000000655: 10-27-2005 (White face (66% Possible Leucistic het)) 
   |      |                    |
   |      |             +--Kemper-unk-n000000653: Unknown (White face (33% Possible Leucistic het)) 
   |      |             |
   |      |             |      +--Sasha-tofro-n000000656: 03-11-2005 (Gray (50% Possible leucistic het)) 
   |      |             |      |
   |      |      +--Jaws-unk-n000000652: Unknown (White face) 
   |      |      |      |
   |      |      |      |      +--Reggie-unk-n000000657: Unknown () 
   |      |      |      |      |
   |      |      |      +--Polly-pfg-n000000654: 06-14-2006 (White face (33% Possible Leucistic Het)) 
   |      |      |             |
   |      |      |             +--Adora-kispe-g000000006: 07-20-2005 (Gray (66% Possible Leucistic Het)) 
   |      |      |
   |      +--Delila-clc-a000000201: Unknown (White face) 
   |             |
   |             |             +-- Unknown or Unavailable 
   |             |             |
   |             |      +--Gus-unk-n000000659: Unknown (White face) 
   |             |      |      |
   |             |      |      +-- Unknown or Unavailable 
   |             |      |
   |             +--Jasmine-unk-n000000661: Unknown (White face) 
   |                    |
   |                    |      +-- Unknown or Unavailable 
   |                    |      |
   |                    +--Gabby-unk-n000000660: Unknown (White face) 
   |                           |
   |                           +-- Unknown or Unavailable 
+--Trip Monkey-jegut-g000000078: 12-23-2010 (Mosaic (50% Possible leucistic het)) 
   |                           +--Seth-tofro-n000000526: 10-30-2004 (Gray (Leucistic het)) 
   |                           |
   |                    +--Schwarz-pfg-n000000663: Unknown (Leucistic) 
   |                    |      |
   |                    |      +--Belle-tofro-n000000664: 08-05-2004 (Gray (Leucistic het)) 
   |                    |
   |             +--Kai-pfg-n000000662: 05-13-2007 (Leucistic) 
   |             |      |
   |             |      |      +--Mac-unk-n000000173: Unknown (Platinum) 
   |             |      |      |
   |             |      +--Tori-daig-a000000204: Unknown (Gray (Leucistic het)) 
   |             |             |
   |             |             +--Cheese-unk-n000000168: Unknown (Leucistic) 
   |             |
   |      +--Ash-clc-a000000202: 09-15-2008 (Gray (Leucistic het)) 
   |      |      |
   |      |      |             +--Mickey-unk-n000000174: 10-00-2001 (Gray (Leucistic het)) 
   |      |      |             |
   |      |      |      +--Milky Way-tofro-n000000418: 05-02-2006 (Leucistic) 
   |      |      |      |      |
   |      |      |      |      +--Haley-tofro-n000000260: 08-12-2004 (Platinum (Leucistic het)) 
   |      |      |      |
   |      |      +--Marley-tofro-n000000666: 09-13-2007 (Leucistic) 
   |      |             |
   |      |             |      +--Quixote-tpg-n000000376: 12-26-2001 (Red series: Buttercream) 
   |      |             |      |
   |      |             +--Ophelia-tofro-n000000665: 10-30-2004 (Gray (Leucistic het)) 
   |      |                    |
   |      |                    +--Saleen-tofro-n000000289: 03-13-2003 (Leucistic) 
   |      |
   +--Coraline-jegut-g000000079: 06-21-2009 (Gray (Leucistic het)) 
          |                    +--Sammie-unk-n000000230: 07-01-2002 (Leucistic) 
          |                    |
          |             +--Horatio-tofro-n000000288: 06-29-2004 (Leucistic) 
          |             |      |
          |             |      +--Saleen-tofro-n000000289: 03-13-2003 (Leucistic) 
          |             |
          |      +--Aspen-tofro-a000000057: 11-29-2006 (Leucistic) 
          |      |      |
          |      |      |      +--Mickey-unk-n000000174: 10-00-2001 (White face (White tip het)) 
          |      |      |      |
          |      |      +--Star-tofro-n000000290: 05-04-2004 (Gray (Leucistic het)) 
          |      |             |
          |      |             +--Abby-daig-n000000125: 09-01-2002 (Gray (Leucistic het)) 
          |      |
          +--Ivory-anito-a000000044: 03-16-2008 (Leucistic) 
                 |             +--Blazer-unk-n000000276: Unknown () 
                 |             |
                 |      +--Tajee-anito-a000000079: Unknown (White face) 
                 |      |      |
                 |      |      +--India-unk-n000000277: Unknown (White face (White tip het)) 
                 |      |
                 +--Kylie-anito-a000000058: 10-24-2006 (White face (Leucistic het)) 
                        |      +--Shy Baby-cwong-a000000050: Unknown (Gray (Leucistic het)) 
                        |      |
                        +--Fantasia-mlg-g000000021: Unknown (Leucistic) 
                               +--Sesamie-unk-n000000234: 08-11-2002 (Leucistic) 

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